JavaScript with Sean Doyle

Lesson 5: Objects


The Big 5 Concepts

  1. An object in a computer program acts as a metaphor for a real world entity.
  2. The object is a list of key: value pairs (“properties”) that contain data relevant to the object in the program
  3. We can get or set the values of these properties through “dot notation”.
  4. Objects can have functions (“methods”) as values.
  5. An object's methods are typically used to modify the object

Code Samples

//Whereas arrays use [], objects use {}.
var myObject = {};

//What properties of your object are important to your program?
var myCat = {
	name: "Buster",
	breed: "Tabby",
	age: 6,
	sex: "M",
	fixed: false	

//Getting a value from an object...
var catName =; //Dot notation accesses the properties of an object. catName will be "Buster".

//Setting a value for an object...
myCat.fixed = true; // myCat.fixed is now true.

//Objects can have functions (“methods”) as values. They ususally modify or access a property of this object.
var myCat = {
	name: "Buster",
	age: 6,
	sex: "M",
	addBirthday: function () {
		myCat.age = myCat.age + 1;

//Calling a function that is a method of an object - with dot notation!
myCat.addBirthday();  //Now, myCat.age is 7.
myCat.addBirthday();  //Now, myCat.age is 8.

//Object properties can have values of any data type or of an array, or an object - or an array of objects!
var myCat = {
	name: "Buster",
	vaccinations: [{shot: "FeLV", date: 20240911}, {shot: "Rabies", date: 20230324}]	